What Is Tire Balancing?

Properly balanced tires make EV handling much easier and your drive safer. Imbalanced tires can accelerate wear on the suspension, steering components, and tires, leading to more frequent repairs. 

Look for these common symptoms that point toward imbalanced tires:  

  • You feel a vibration in the floorboards or steering wheel. 
  • The tires have a cupped tread wear pattern. 
  • Your EV’s fuel economy has worsened. 
  • Your EV pulls to one side when you drive. 

Steps to balancing tires

Always take your car to a mechanic who has experience working on EVs. 

After raising the EV, the technician will use a tire balancing machine to check for weight imbalances by spinning the tires and wheel assembly. If needed, the technician will add small weights to the tires to even them out. 

What Is a Wheel Alignment?

If your EV’s wheels are at the wrong angles, your tires are basically dragging along the road. This will speed up tire wear, decentre the steering wheel, and reduce fuel economy. A wheel alignment will give you a smooth ride again. 

 Keep an eye out for signs that your EV’s wheels may need aligning: 

  • The steering wheel is making noises or feels off-centre. 
  • The tires are squealing. 
  • You notice uneven tread wear on the tires. 

 Some of the symptoms of poor wheel alignment can be mistaken for signs of imbalanced tires. An expert will know which service you need.

Steps to realigning wheels 

The technician will start by raising the vehicle on a hoist. With an alignment machine, they’ll compare the angle of each wheel to the others. The technician will then adjust the camber, caster, and toe of each wheel as needed. 

How Often Does Your EV Need a Wheel Alignment or Tire Balancing? 

Overall, EVs require less maintenance than gas-powered cars because they have fewer moving parts. The wheels and tires, however, need the same amount of care, and sometimes more. 

EVs have a much heavier battery than other cars, which affects their weight distribution. This puts extra strain on the tires, causing them to wear faster. EVs also offer faster acceleration and instant torque, creating more friction between the tires and the road, once again speeding up wear. 

Unless you notice changes in your car, take your vehicle in for a wheel alignment and tire balancing at regular intervals. 

Most EVs will need a wheel alignment twice a year. If you frequently drive on rough roads, you may need one more often. Have your tires balanced whenever you change them for the season. For most drivers, this amounts to twice per year. 

Consult your owner’s manual for more guidance on when to schedule each of these services. 

To have your wheels aligned or tires balanced by an experienced EV technician, take your car to a NexDrive service centre

Maintaining Your EV's Tires & Wheels

Continue your tire maintenance with monthly air pressure checks and assessments for excessive wear or punctures. To further protect your tires and suspension, avoid driving over potholes, braking abruptly, and accelerating too quick. 

For any questions about wheel alignments or tire balancing, visit a NexDrive service centre to speak with an expert. 

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